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Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH

In Vitro Measurements

The development of in vitro measurement systems for product efficacy ist a field in which we are investigating and will offer more and more products for the future.
CellSpectrometer CSM 2100

CellSpectrometer CSM 2100

Impedance Spectrometry and TEER - Evaluating integrity, permeability, and barrier quality of cell culture tissue

With the CellSpectrometer CSM 2100, you have a compact and powerful impedance spectrometer with 12 or 24 measurement channels at your disposal, allowing you to evaluate tissue barriers of a corresponding number of cell cultures simultaneously with exceptional ease and speed for many different application fields. Analyze the full impedance spectrum from 1 Hz to 200 kHz in just 100 seconds or the TEER values as fast as in only 15 seconds.

Tewitro® TW 24

Tewitro® TW 24

Transepidermal Waterloss Measurement in Cultured Skin Samples
The Tewitro® TW 24 is the only device to measure the water evaporation from skin tissue models (wells in a plate with medium) in up to 24 wells simultaneously with the worldwide most used “open chamber” measurement of the Tewameter®.
Invitro Tewameter® VT 310

Invitro Tewameter® VT 310

Probe Perfectly Suited for TEWL-Measurements on Franz Cells
With the Invitro Tewameter® VT 310 a probe for the TEWL measurement is available, which offers all benefits of the Tewameter® and is perfectly suited to sit on a Franz cell.
MositureMap for in vitro use

MoistureMap MM 200

Unique Device to Look at Hydration Distribution by Capacitance Imaging
Capacitance imaging, based on the renowned L'Oréal SkinChip®*. The sensor gives graphical information on the near surface hydration distribution and the micro-topography of skin and other tissues (textiles, plants, etc.). It can be used with a special adapter for in vitro measurements. The latest model comes with an ultra-flat sensor and modern sophisticated software with additional functions to facilitate your work.
Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 91
50829 Köln, Germany
Phone: +49-221-9564990
Fax: +49-221-9564991
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