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Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH


Based on the long-term expertise from the scientific field, we have developed special measuring equipment for skin testing to promote cosmetic products or treatments at the point of sale in aesthetic salons or at the dermatologist's practice. The devices vary from small handheld units and flexible battery operated devices to multi-functional cameras and probe systems with convenient and sophisticated software to determine the needs of the skin and to recommend adequate skin care products. Select from a variety of possibilities:

Skin moisture

Moisture cheek white

The world's most commonly used method to determine the skin surface moisture by capacitance. An essential tool for the promotion of all kinds of facial and body care products. The quick and easy measurement only takes one second.

The measurement is mostly performed with a probe. Devices in which the moisture measurement probe is integrated:

Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000, Multi Skin Test Center MC 750, Multi Dermascope MDS 1000, Skin Diagnostic SD 27, Skin Diagnostic SD 202, Pen Station PS 100

Corneofix put on cameraThe special foil Corneofix® F 20 to assess skin’s scaliness and dryness also indicates the level of skin hydration. The foil can be used with and without the Visioscope®-camera.

Oiliness (sebum)

Cartridge forehead

This photometric measurement of skin oil ideally completes the moisture measurement to determine the individual basic skin type. A special tape is inside the measuring probe (cartridge). When in contact with the skin's oil the foil becomes transparent and this transparency is evaluated inside the devices by a photodiode. The measurement time is 10 s. One cartridge lasts for approx. 400 measurements. A fresh piece of tape can be forwarded by a trigger on the side of the cartridge. Indispensable tool for the recommendation of facial-, hair- and body care products. Especially suitable for the promotion of special oil reducing cleansers and anti-acne products.

Devices featuring the sebum measurement with the cartridge:

Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000, Multi Skin Test Center MC 750, Multi Dermascope MDS 1000, Skin Diagnostic SD 27, Skin Diagnostic SD 202

Also the special foil Sebufix® F 16 indicates the level of oiliness of the skin in a qualitative way. It can be used with or without the Visioscope®-camera. Another measurement possibility are the convenient Sebu Pads (see also Pen Station PS 100).

Sebufix® used with the cameraSebu Pad to measure skin oiliness

Pigmentation und skin redness

Melanin arm white

The probe measures the status of melanin (pigmentation) and erythema (redness) by reflection. Pigmentation measurements are the ideal promotion tool for sun care and skin bleaching products. Redness and melanin measurements are useful for determining skin sensitivity or adjusting special treatments (e.g. IPL & lasers). The very quick measurement of the both parameters only takes one second.

Devices containing the pigmerntation/redness measurement probe:

Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000, Multi Skin Test Center MC 750, Multi Dermascope MDS 1000, Skin Pigmentation Analyzer SPA 99, Skin Diagnostic SD 202, Pen Station PS 100

Elasticity & biological age of the skin

Elasticity defines the quality of a material (e.g. the skin) to change its shape under application of a force and to return to its original shape when the force is ceased to be applied. To make this clear we could take a balloon and try to change its shape by pressing our finger into the surface. As soon as we stop pressing, the balloon returns completely to its original shape. The balloon's skin is 100% elastic.


The definition plasticity means the opposite of elasticity. Plasticine e.g. changes its shape under pressure; ceasing the pressure, it does not return to its original shape but stays completely deformed.

Elasticity near eye whiteHuman skin is neither pure elastic (like a balloon) nor pure plastic (like plasticine). It is composed of the both, therefore we talk about viscoelasticity of the skin. It will recover time-delayed after the application of mechanical stress.

This viscoelasticity of skin surface is determined by the elastine and collagen fibres. In younger skin these fibers are dispersed beneath the skin surface keeping it firm, supple and elastic.

With skin ageing, an additional influences like UVA light, mechanical and chemical strain, nicotine, alcohol, genetic predispositions, diseases and many others, the network of fibers gets more stiff and clustered, thus leading to skin slackening and wrinkle formation.

The assessment of the skin's viscoelastic properties is therefore a true indicator for the real biological age of the skin.

The measurement is the ideal promotion tool for elasticity increasing and anti-ageing products by use of the well-established suction method. Here, the skin's ability to resist pressure (firmness) and its ability to return into the original position when the pressure is released (elasticity) is tested. The results also show pre-mature skin ageing due to lifestyle and sun-exposure.

Suction handRelease hand

The measurement of elasticity is integrated in the following devices:

Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000, Multi Skin Test Center MC 750, Multi Dermascope MDS 1000

Skin pH-level

pH hand white

The quick and easy determination of the natural acidic coat of skin and scalp (between pH 4.0 and 5.5) is the basis of recommending adequate skin care products, soaps and shampoos. The measurement is very quick and takes only one second.

The pH-measurement probe is supported by the following devices:

Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000, Multi Skin Test Center MC 750, Skin Diagnostic SD 202

Skin temperature

Temperature neck whiteThe infrared temperature measurement of the skin indicates quickly (1 second) the microcirculation (checking the temperature and comparing it to the temperature of a well circulated skin area). It is a valuable tool for selling products working in the field of cellulite, circulation enhancing products, etc.

The skin temperature measurement can be integrated in the following devices:

Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000, Multi Skin Test Center MC 750

Quality of skin barrier function (TEWL)

TEWL hand whiteThe measurement of the water evaporating index from the skin is an indication of the quality of the barrier function of the skin. The measurement is performed in an open measuring chamber with two sensor pairs: temperature and humidity to exactly calculate the water gradient without influencing the skin and its micro climate. Even slightest damages in its barrier (not necessarily visible to the human eye) can easily be determined by this measurement. The specially developed sensors allow quick (15 seconds) and stable measurements even at the institute and for measurements at the work place (occupational health).

The TEWL-Index-measurement probe is supported by:

Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000, Multi Skin Test Center MC 750, Skin Diagnostic SD 202

Camera systems for the skin

Monitor the skin in detail by taking high-resolution images.

Visioface02Full-face imaging systems: VisioFace® 1000 D or the small, compact VisioFace® lite.

Camera on cheak
Zoom into the skin surface with the Visioscope® camera, working with parallel- and cross polarised light to take detailed images from the skin. The camera goes directly via USB to a computer and is also featured in the Multi Skin Test Center MC 1000 and the Multi Dermascope MDS 1000.

Palm face

Also the system Pen Station PS 100 offers a camera working with parallel- and cross polarised light, directly connected to a palm display.

The Visiopor® PP 34 N is a camera with special polarised UV light showing the presence of acne bacteria as impressive fluorescent lesions. Ideal for promoting cleansers and anti-acne skin care.

Lines and wrinkles


The high-resolution images of the full-face photography devices (VisioFace® 1000 D and VisioFace® lite) and the handheld camera (Visioscope®) show lines and wrinkles visibly. The software expresses the result in % of area in the image.

Crow's feet detection with the Visioscope®
Impress you customer with partial 3D views of the skin
Wrinkle detection in the VisioFace® images


The high-resolution images of the full-face photography devices (VisioFace® 1000 D and VisioFace® lite) and the handheld camera (Visioscope®) show fine and coarse pores separately. The software expresses the result in % of area in the image.

coarse and fine pore detection with the Visioscope®
Impress you customer with partial 3D views of the skin
Pore detection in the VisioFace® images

Pigmentation spots and lesions

Visioscope®: detection of distinct spots and complex spot structuresThe high-resolution images of the full-face photography devices (VisioFace® 1000 D and VisioFace® lite) and especially those of the handheld camera (Visioscope®) show pigmentation spots and lesions. The software expresses the result in % of area in the image.

Premature skin aging/sun damage

scs visioface uvWith the VisioFace® 1000 D or the VisioFace® lite high-resolution facial images are taken under homogenous white light. By applying special filters to the image, the images can be transformed into an UV-like photo. These images show impressively sun damage and premature skin aging and thus the need of adequate sun protection to your customers.

Evenness of complexion

Evenness of complexion evaluates the visible differences in skin tone. An even skin tone looks radiant and fresh. Ideal analysis to recommend even-out products, make-ups, sun protection and more. The comparioson of the colour distribution in the face can be performed with the software SCS and the pigmentation measurents (part of the MC 750 and MC 1000), the Visioscope® images and the VisioFace® 1000 D or the VisioFace® lite.

Complexion evenness with the Visioscope®
Pigmentation distribution throughout the face
Eveness of complexion measured in the VisioFace® images


Corneofix facescs camera scalinessThe Corneofix® F 20 is a special transparent adhesive tape to collect dry skin (dead corneocytes) from the skin surface. The dryer the skin the more flakes will stick to the tape, thus it is an accurate visualisation of the level of dryness or damaged skin. When the foil is used with the Visioscope® camera, the desquamation level can be evaluated in regarding amount and evenness of the layer.

Activity of the sebum glands (oiliness)

CSI Sebufix eThe Sebufix® F 16 is a special foil to assess the level of skin oiliness. When applied to the skin, sebum will become visible as transparent spots in various sizes after only a few seconds related to the activity of the sebum glands and can then be evaluated. Dry, non-oily skin shows a few small spots, whereas oily skin is visualized by a great number of large spots. When used with the Visioscope® camera, the sebum production can be followed in real time on the screen and is numerically evaluated in the software.

Porphyrine Fluorescence

Visiopor - under certain UV illumination, the porphyrins can be recognized by their orange-red fluorescence Porphyrins are produced by the Cutibacterium acnes that occurs in the natural bacterial flora of human skin (skin flora). Under certain UV illumination, the porphyrins can be recognized by their orange-red fluorescence. With a corresponding predisposition, they can lead to the development of acne.

The Visiopor® camera uses a specific UV-light with polarisation filters to visualize the fluorescence impressively. Ideal for promoting cleansers and anti-acne skin care.

Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 91
50829 Köln, Germany
Phone: +49-221-9564990
Fax: +49-221-9564991
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