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Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH

Interesting Books & Courses / Interessante Literatur & Weiterbildungen


Practical Aspects of Cosmetic Testing - How to Set up a Scientific Study in Skin Physiology

Fluhr, Joachim W. (Ed.) 2nd Edition., 2020, 317 p., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-44966-7
eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-44967-4

This book is indispensable for all scientific skin testing in the laboratories of the cosmetic industry. In it you will find all our experiences working in the field of skin testing devices for almost 35 years. It offers a wide range of elementary knowledge and practical advice on how to perform efficacy tests. All authors are recognized experts in their field. It is available in the Springer publishing house and directly from C+K for a special price, just contact us.

More interesting literature

Évaluation des produits cosmetiques

Pensé-Lhéritier, Anne-Marie. (Ed.)1st Edition, 2016, Lavoisier Paris, XI, 210 pages, Softcover ISBN: 978-2-7430-2135-5, The book described useful measurement methods for many different claims (in French).

Microbiome Management

Detailed information how to assess the trend claim

Happi Exclusive Digital Edition Ebook, July 2019.
Featuring the article by Christiane Uhl: Claim support for Microbiome Skin Care
Download a free copy

Occupational health

A Practical Guide to Occupational Skin Management

by Chris Packham
This book provides a comprehensive guide for those wishing to develop and operate an effective occupational skin management system to protect the health of their workforce. ISBN: 978-0-9956283-04 (over 200 pages, coloured images and charts). Contact for more information and orders: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

YouTube featuring the C+K instruments

youtubeCheck out the C+K Youtube channel. Find here also a collection of videos from our customers and partners on some of our devices in different languages for download. If you have a video you would like us to share here, please Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

Information, guidelines, regulations and laws regarding tests of cosmetic products

cosmetics europeThe European Cosmetic Care Association: Cosmetics Europe (previously COLIPA) www.cosmeticseurope.eu

Courses and educational programmes

Online Master course in Cosmetic Science of the University of Cincinnati by Prof. Randolf Wickett and others: https://online.uc.edu/masters-programs/ms-in-cosmetic-science.

Intensive Course in Dermato-Cosmetic Science and/or Safety Assessment of Cosmetic Products by Prof. Vera Rogiers at the Free University of Brussels: www.dermatocosmeticcourse.eu and www.safetycourse.eu/

University of the Arts London -  London College of Fashion: MSc in Cosmetic Science: https://www.arts.ac.uk/subjects/business-and-management-and-science/postgraduate/msc-cosmetic-science

Skin Summer School @Università degli studi die Pavia - Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco https://www.labunicosm.it/school

Australia's first Diplomas in Personal Care and Cosmetic Science: www.personalcarescience.com.au

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